Friday, December 27, 2019

Macbeth, By William Shakespeare - 1262 Words

Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a play about the inner struggles of a man who is informed of his possible rise to power, and how those inner struggles ultimately lead to his downfall. The story begins with three weird sister, or witches, planning to meet Macbeth (1.1.1-7). When the weird sisters meet with Macbeth and Banquo, in Act 1, Scene 3, they tell them of three prophecies. The first prophecy, that comes true right away, is that Macbeth will be titled Thane of Cawdor, which the audience learned of in Act 1, Scene 2. The second prophecy is that Macbeth will be the future king of Scotland. The third prophecy is aimed at Banquo, stating that while he will not be king, he will â€Å"get kings† (1.3.67), referring to his future family. While Banquo†¦show more content†¦Before the weird sisters share their prophecies, the play seems to be an ordinary story about a conflict between a Thane and the King resolved through battle (1.2). Macbeth is called â€Å"brave† (1.2.16) and given a new title for his battle skills (1.2.64-6). However, when the witches share their prophecies, Macbeth’s flaws are exposed through comparing his and Banquo’s reactions. Banquo accepts that the prophecies might be true, but warns Macbeth that â€Å"the instruments of darkness tell us truths, win us with honest trifles, to betray’s in the deepest consequence† (1.3.126-8). Basically, he is saying that evil things can appear to be good by telling parts of the truth, but will ultimately have terrible outcomes. This advice rings true for the entire play. However, Macbeth was â€Å"rapt in the wonder of it† (1.5.5-6) and he â€Å"burned in desire to question them further† (1.5.3-4). Clearly Macbeth is so captivated with the thought of being king that he disregards Banquo’s good advice and becomes obsessive; which is the driving force behind the entire play. The weird sisters’ prophecies have brought out Macbethâ⠂¬â„¢s thirst for power, but he is still struggling to decide how he should act on it; on top of his desire for power, he is also dealing with the added pressure of Lady Macbeth’s desire for power. Prior to the witches’ prophecies, Macbeth seems to not have any problems with Duncan, the king. However, when Lady Macbeth presents a plan to kill Duncan and

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Climate Change is a Natural Phenomenon - 1556 Words

Climate change has been an extremely controversial topic in recent history and continues to create much debate today. Many questions concerning climate change’s origins and its potential affect on the globe are not fully understood and remain unanswered. What is climate change? Is climate change happening? Is it a natural cycle of the world or are there other catalysts involved such as human activity? What proof is there? What data correlations show climate change is accelerated by humans? How serious is climate change and how will it affect the future of our globe? What are we doing to address climate change? Should we really be concerned about climate change? Questions such as these have made climate change a very serious issue†¦show more content†¦No world leader can comprehend or know how to propose such a solution without the destruction of the world’s economy. Although renewable energy appears to be a feasible solution to reduce carbon emissions th ere are still many misconceptions of its uses and applicability. According to (Goreham, 2013), there are seven lifestyle changes that climatism advocates for the solution of global warming and carbon emission reduction that won’t reduce global warming but will surely negatively affect human lifestyle. First is the use of electric vehicles. According to the (Sierra Club, 2014), each gallon of gas we burn produces about 25 pounds of carbon dioxide – the most common global warming pollution – that poisons the atmosphere. With the use of more electric technologies for vehicles, we can therefore reduce the amount of carbon emissions. The second lifestyle change is to make is to decarbonize your home. The U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron states, â€Å"If we all turned down the thermostat in our house by just one degree, we would save over 650 million worth of energy and nearly nine million tons of carbon emissions every year.† Producing zero-carbon homes is not an easy feat; even a grass hut in Cameroon exceeds zero-carbon emissions (Goreham, 2013). Third, the business world has also gone green in effort to reduce their carbon footprint. The US Green Building Council has implemented the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) greenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made?1160 Words   |  5 PagesName: Instructor: Curse: Date: Is Climate Change Natural or Man-made? Introduction The planet has been experiencing considerable climate change for the last several decades. There have been many explanations toward the main causes of the increased warming of the planet. On one hand are the environmentalists who believe that the major cause of this increased warming of the planet is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere induced by human activities. On the other hand, the scientistsRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On People s Habitat And Safety790 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Climate changing is a serious issue for humanity and all the living creature on the earth. These days, more and more scientists and climatologists indicate the climate and our environment suffer the huge change. For all the humanity, the influences become more and more significant. Climate’s change definitely impacts People’s habitat and safety. Why is the climate important to us? Because of the climate change, people will live in danger. Climate will affect the whole ecosystems, notRead MoreWhat Role Has Human Activity Played in Causing Climate Change?678 Words   |  3 PagesThe change in global climate is the most powerful problem that currently occurs on the earth. The problems of climate change may be caused by both of human activities and natural events. Climate change is the changes that affect the world’s weather, including shifts in temperature, ocean level, land, and precipitation. The climate change phenomenon can affect everything in the world not on ly natural environment, but also human society, and the world economy. This essay aims to evaluate the role ofRead MoreThe Effects Of Fossil Fuels On The Environment1734 Words   |  7 Pages† The point of no return metaphorically represents the place in ones journey that must be continued with no alternative routes or ability to make change. In consort with President Obama, many scientists believe the point of no return could occur if significant efforts aren’t made soon. Anthropogenic (human influenced) activities in comparison to natural influences have more of an impact on the environment. Since the industrial era carbon concentrations in the atmosphere have increased by thirty percentRead MoreGlobal Climate Change : The Global Warming1633 Words   |  7 PagesThe Global Climate Change Currently, when human life is growing, human activities play an impact on the environment and climate, which leads to global climate change. Climate change is a problem of the whole world, and therefore remains a huge challenge for life on Earth. So what is climate change? Evolution of how it change? Climate change is caused by natural causes or by humans which possibly fluctuates the cycle of change in weather and climate. The specific expression that we often hear aboutRead Moreâ€Å"Up and Down, Up and Down – That Is How Temperature and Climate Have Always Gone in the Past and There Is No Proof They Are Not Still Doing Exactly the Same Now. in Other Words, Climate Change Is an Entirely Natural1451 Words   |  6 Pagesdown – that is how temperature and climate have always gone in the past and there is no proof they are not still doing exactly the same now. In other words, climate change is an entirely natural phenomenon, nothing to do with the burning of fossil fue ls† (David Bellamy). To what extent do you agree with this statement? The idea of climate change, for many, is an opinionated subject with much discussion of whether it is a real issue or just a natural phenomenon. However in recent years it is clearRead MoreGlobal Climate Change : The Global Warming1472 Words   |  6 PagesThe Global Climate Change Currently when human life is growing, human activities impact on the environment and climate to lead to global climate change. Climate change is a problem of the whole world, and that is the big challenge for human kind. So what is climate change? Evolution of how it? Climate change is the change of weather, climate, may be due to human or natural causes. The specific expression that we often hear about is the phenomenon does not stop warming the earth, the greenhouse effectRead MoreCuases and Effects of Global Warming on World Economy927 Words   |  4 Pagesevidence and data. To begin with, two main causes of the climate change will be outlined, which are believed to be the result from natural phenomenon, and human activities. Some of the natural phenomenons, such as solar radiation and the cyclical change in the atmosphere of the earth, have significantly caused the climate change. Since the solar energy is the basic source of the earth climate system, it is believed that the sudden change of solar radiation output attributable to solar activitiesRead MoreGlobal Warming Is The Rise1536 Words   |  7 Pagesgreenhouse gases in the atmosphere does not change, the heat in the atmosphere will remain constant by releasing the contained heat into space. It has been noted that greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, and methane, have been increasing steadily since the early 90’s, and around this time the average global temperature has also been increasing. The effects of global warming have been noticed worldwide, although the exact reason for the phenomenon is unknown. There are speculations thatRead MoreThe Causes And Effects Of Climate Change1084 Words   |  5 PagesAs a result of cli mate change, natural disaster has increased extremely, especially droughts and floods around the world. In the past several years, it can be seen that various news concerned critical climate variability and extreme weather. For instance, the United States Department of Agriculture (2013) pointed out that the US agricultural land suffered from drought about 80 percent in 2012, while BBC (2015) reported that one of four districts in Myanmar, which were warned of flooding caused by

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Alternative Rock free essay sample

Alternative rock, also known as alt-rock, alternative music, or simply alternative, emerged around the 1980’s. Alternative is described for these 80’s bands as being a punk rock band working off of independent record labels, since they didn’t fit in with the current genre at the time. As a complete genre, alternative is made up of several subgenres such as grunge, Britpop, gothic rock, and indie pop. These genres are unified by their collective debt to the style of punk, of which the road was laid out for alternative in the 1970’s. Though alternative is considered to be rock, some of it’s influences come from folk music, jazz, reggae, electronic music, and among of genres affected the way alternative has come out today. At many times, alternative rock has been used as a catch-phrase for all rock genres from underground artists in the 1980’s, and all of it has descended from all punk genres. We will write a custom essay sample on Alternative Rock or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Some artists, such as R.E.M. and The Cure, have achieved that of commercial success and mainstream recognition, while most other alternative rock bands had exposure through college radio and word-by-mouth. Audioslave was a hard/alternative rock band the formed in 2001. Audioslave was formed with former Soundgarden frontman and rhythm guitarist Chris Cornell, Rage Against The Machine members Tom Morello (lead guitarist), Tim Commerford (bass guitarist) and Brad Wilk (drums). Audioslave as an amalgamation of Rage Against the Machine and Soundgarden, but by the bands second album, Out of Exile, noted that it had established a separate identity. The band’s unique sound was created by blending 1970’s hard rock and 1990’s grunge. And, over that, were Morello’s unconventional guitar solos that were incorporated into the blend of what was to become Audioslave. As the same with Rage Against the Machine, Audioslave prided themselves that the only sounds that were p ut onto albums were only made by the guitar, vocals, drums, and bass. No samples were ever used in their albums. After Audioslave had three successful albums, sold eight million albums worldwide, and received three Grammy nominations, and was the first band to perform an open-air concert in Cuba, Chris Cornell issued in February 2007 that he would be permanently leaving the band due to â€Å"irresolvable problems that were between personalities and differences in music.† And with that, Audioslave was broken up, with the Rage Against The Machine members going back for a reunion of their band. Although Morello and Cornell had released solo albums, it doesn’t seem like the band will ever come back together again.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Social Psychology Myer Ed 10 Essay Example

Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 Paper Study Guide†section 2 PS 261 Chapter 5 Myer Ed 10 o What are some ways that cultures differ in social norms? What are some norms that are similar? Differences Expressiveness o People may view others as warm and inviting, or cold and distant, based on where they are from Punctuality o North Americans are typically early o Concept of brown time and Arab time Rule breaking o People are more apt to break rules, when they see rules being broken Personal space o Cultures closer to the equator prefer more touching, further from the equator want more personal space and distance 0 Similarities o Friendship Eye contact when talking Keeping secrets Privacy Trait dimensions Describe themselves using the Big 5 Stable Outgoing Open Agreeable Conscientious Social belief BIG 5†social beliefs Cynicism Social complexity Reward for application Spirituality Fate control Status Higher status people talk with higher status people Incest Incest is bad War Identifiable uniforms Humane treatment of prisoners Surrender techniques o In what ways do men and women i d ffer in connectedness, social dominance, aggression, and sexuality? 0 Women More connected Focus on relationships- relational terms Are more intimate Welcome help from others Are more empathetic Share their lives more Make better friends More caretaking Smile more Buy more cards and gifts Express emotions better (verbal and non-verbal) Sexuality Prefer affection Prefer romance Aggression relational aggression and gossip Men More independent More socially dominant More socially dominant Make more money Preserve group inequalities Gravitate toward Jobs that increase inequalities Lead groups more Communicate with social power Express dominance in writing More supportive of violence Take more risks Initiate darling Do more driving Want more sex Enjoy casual sex more We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Initiate sex more Fantasize about sex more Spend more money for sex Prefer more sexual variety Are less successful at celibacy Refuse sex less often physical aggression and killing Chapter 6 What factors contribute to conformity? When groups of more than 3 are present If the group is unanimous If not, there is a reduced chance for that person to conform 0 Group cohesion Status of the person modeling the behavior Higher status†greater likelihood of conformity In public People conform when their responses are publicized If a person has a prior commitment to a thought or behavior, she will not conform What factors contribute to obedience? Victims distance If you cannot see the victim, you will have less of a connection with them, and are more apt to be obedient 0 Closeness and legitimacy of authority The bigger the authority, and the more legit he is, the more you obey If the authority fgure is there, you obey 0 Institutional authority If the place you are at is a big named place, you are more likely to obey the officials there Chapter 7 o When will an audience be persuaded via the central route? The peripheral route? 0 Central Interested people focus on the subject and respond to that argument oFavorably f its strong o Countering if its weak 0 Peripheral (faster) Incidental cues o Attractiveness of the speaker, product, etc. Heuristics o Quick Judgments o Elements of persuasion, and how does each attitude/behavior change via the central and peripheral route? Elements (communication, message, channel of communication, and audience) OCentral route Communicator Credible Knowledgeable Trustworthy Message route Rational arguments Large discrepancy (credible) Two-sided arguments (disagree) Channel of communication Written (complex messages) Audience Motivated and Able Unhappy High need for cognition Peripheral Non-credible (sleeper effect) Appears to be an expert Speaks confidently Attractive Similar (values and way of life) Message Positive messages A large amount of information One-sided arguments Channel Audio or Video (easier messages) Passive Reception (clich? ©s) Positive mood Unconcerned unmotivated / uninvolved Distracted Two sided issues Primacy First message seems more persuasive Recency If there is a gap between arguments, then second message is more persuasive, however o Complexity 0 More: face to face, print 0 Less: mass media Chapter 8 o What is social facilitation, and why does it occur in front of other? The tendency for people to perform simple or well learned complex tasks in front of others 0 Strengthening dominant responses in the presence of others Arousal facilitates dominant responses, and easy tasks are dominant. Evaluation apprehension Factors that contribute to social loafing Groups size Lack of individual identity Evaluation apprehension Factors that contribute to group polarization Discussion Comparison with others Social comparison Pluralistic ignorance Groups of like-minded people Factors that contribute to group think group cohesiveness structural faults insulation of the group lack of impartial leadership lack of norms requiring methodological procedures homogeneity of members social backgrounds and ideology situational context When does the minority influence the majority? Minorities that speak up can increase the majoritys doubts and prompt it to consider more alternatives Leads to better and more creative decisions 0 Consistent and persistent in views Self confidence Ability to attract defections from the majority Task and social leadership o Press towards goals and exude self-confidence can gain trust and inspire others to follow Social Psychology Myer Ed 10 Essay Example Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 Paper Study Guide†section 2 PS 261 Chapter 5 Myer Ed 10 o What are some ways that cultures differ in social norms? What are some norms that are similar? Differences Expressiveness o People may view others as warm and inviting, or cold and distant, based on where they are from Punctuality o North Americans are typically early o Concept of brown time and Arab time Rule breaking o People are more apt to break rules, when they see rules being broken Personal space o Cultures closer to the equator prefer more touching, further from the equator want more personal space and distance 0 Similarities o Friendship Eye contact when talking Keeping secrets Privacy Trait dimensions Describe themselves using the Big 5 Stable Outgoing Open Agreeable Conscientious Social belief BIG 5†social beliefs Cynicism Social complexity Reward for application Spirituality Fate control Status Higher status people talk with higher status people Incest Incest is bad War Identifiable uniforms Humane treatment of prisoners Surrender techniques o In what ways do men and women i d ffer in connectedness, social dominance, aggression, and sexuality? 0 Women More connected Focus on relationships- relational terms Are more intimate Welcome help from others Are more empathetic Share their lives more Make better friends More caretaking Smile more Buy more cards and gifts Express emotions better (verbal and non-verbal) Sexuality Prefer affection Prefer romance Aggression relational aggression and gossip Men More independent More socially dominant More socially dominant Make more money Preserve group inequalities Gravitate toward Jobs that increase inequalities Lead groups more Communicate with social power Express dominance in writing More supportive of violence Take more risks Initiate darling Do more driving Want more sex Enjoy casual sex more We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology: Myer Ed 10 specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Initiate sex more Fantasize about sex more Spend more money for sex Prefer more sexual variety Are less successful at celibacy Refuse sex less often physical aggression and killing Chapter 6 What factors contribute to conformity? When groups of more than 3 are present If the group is unanimous If not, there is a reduced chance for that person to conform 0 Group cohesion Status of the person modeling the behavior Higher status†greater likelihood of conformity In public People conform when their responses are publicized If a person has a prior commitment to a thought or behavior, she will not conform What factors contribute to obedience? Victims distance If you cannot see the victim, you will have less of a connection with them, and are more apt to be obedient 0 Closeness and legitimacy of authority The bigger the authority, and the more legit he is, the more you obey If the authority fgure is there, you obey 0 Institutional authority If the place you are at is a big named place, you are more likely to obey the officials there Chapter 7 o When will an audience be persuaded via the central route? The peripheral route? 0 Central Interested people focus on the subject and respond to that argument oFavorably f its strong o Countering if its weak 0 Peripheral (faster) Incidental cues o Attractiveness of the speaker, product, etc. Heuristics o Quick Judgments o Elements of persuasion, and how does each attitude/behavior change via the central and peripheral route? Elements (communication, message, channel of communication, and audience) OCentral route Communicator Credible Knowledgeable Trustworthy Message route Rational arguments Large discrepancy (credible) Two-sided arguments (disagree) Channel of communication Written (complex messages) Audience Motivated and Able Unhappy High need for cognition Peripheral Non-credible (sleeper effect) Appears to be an expert Speaks confidently Attractive Similar (values and way of life) Message Positive messages A large amount of information One-sided arguments Channel Audio or Video (easier messages) Passive Reception (clich? ©s) Positive mood Unconcerned unmotivated / uninvolved Distracted Two sided issues Primacy First message seems more persuasive Recency If there is a gap between arguments, then second message is more persuasive, however o Complexity 0 More: face to face, print 0 Less: mass media Chapter 8 o What is social facilitation, and why does it occur in front of other? The tendency for people to perform simple or well learned complex tasks in front of others 0 Strengthening dominant responses in the presence of others Arousal facilitates dominant responses, and easy tasks are dominant. Evaluation apprehension Factors that contribute to social loafing Groups size Lack of individual identity Evaluation apprehension Factors that contribute to group polarization Discussion Comparison with others Social comparison Pluralistic ignorance Groups of like-minded people Factors that contribute to group think group cohesiveness structural faults insulation of the group lack of impartial leadership lack of norms requiring methodological procedures homogeneity of members social backgrounds and ideology situational context When does the minority influence the majority? Minorities that speak up can increase the majoritys doubts and prompt it to consider more alternatives Leads to better and more creative decisions 0 Consistent and persistent in views Self confidence Ability to attract defections from the majority Task and social leadership o Press towards goals and exude self-confidence can gain trust and inspire others to follow

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Top 5 Things I Learned in my Internship

The Top 5 Things I Learned in my Internship Being an intern is a trial run for the field you think you want to work in. In 90 days or so your trial is up. But then what? Did you actually learn something that pertains to your intended major?   Is it something you see yourself doing for years to come? In college, take advantage of internship opportunities. Trust me. You can never start too early in your career to gain experience, and there is no such thing as too much internship experience. From sophomore year in college, I started interning at different companies. As a college student, I wanted to know what my strengths and weaknesses were and what I actually wanted to do with my life after I earned my degree. As a marketing major, my field was broad, so interning was such a great hands-on experience. Interning with different companies in different marketing roles helped me narrow down what I actually enjoyed doing.Here are some tips I have learned throughout my experiences.Source: [GIPHY]Step out of your comfort zone.An inte rnship is your opportunity to try new things and  surprise yourself. Trying out new opportunities helped me challenge myself. Even if I had no clue on how to do a certain project, I would still take it on. It was the perfect time for me to learn and grow. Even if by the end of it I disliked a certain task, I would still feel accomplished.Always ask questions.Don’t be afraid to ask questions or for advice. People love to give advice. Whether it is advice about your field, feedback on performance, or even career moves, they are usually more than happy to assist. Asking questions is a great icebreaker for your coworkers to know more about you, and you never know what you may learn over a cup of coffee and a conversation.Get involved within the company.Understand the company you are interning for; go beyond what the website says and really dive into it. Company culture is something important to pay attention to. How does the company you are interning for treat its employees? Al so, interning is a great networking opportunity- while you’re there, get to know all about the different departments and what they do. And always offer to lend a helping hand on some of their projects if ever needed.Shine through your work.Go above and beyond in your work. Don’t be a slacker. Make yourself memorable for the company- you never know when opportunities may rise for the future. Your work ethic is very important. It’s the little things you do that make you stand apart from the rest. Take initiative and responsibility and complete tasks accurately and in a timely manner. If there is no set deadline, make your own, hold yourself accountable, and don’t procrastinate. This is not college where you can leave things for the very last minute.Send a â€Å"thank you† card at the end of the internship.Handwritten notes/cards are one thing that will never go out of style- they’ll always put a smile on someone’s face. When writing you r card mention what you learned from the internship. Thank your main contact  for giving you an opportunity to gain experience and learn. Go that extra mile and give back some appreciation.Source: [GIPHY]

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Irish Clasical Musiv essays

Irish Clasical Musiv essays To most individuals Irish music brings a certain type of music to mind, jigs, reels hornpipes various types of dancing music. It may also bring to mind the common pub songs regarding war, love, sadness and of course emigration. Turlough O'carolan introduced a different flavor of Irish music that in some ways is still seen today. His music contains the comman elements of Irish music but adds the more classical feel that was present in continental Europe at that time, especially Italy. O'Carolan was born in 1670, in Nobber, County Meath Ireland. His father, was a blacksmith by trade, who entered into the household of an aristocratic family called MacDermott Roe. The O'Carolan's were a typical, poor, Catholic, Irish speaking family. The expectations for O'Carolan would be to follow in the same, simple existance as his father, learning the trade and continueing to be poor. But, at the age of eighteen, he was stricken with smallpox, which caused his complete blindness. This horrific event actually was the trigger for O'Carolans importance to Music. After being blinded, Mrs. MacDermott Roe took it upon herself to educate O'Carolan. She actually obligated him to be instructed as a Harpist. The Harpist in Ireland has always been held in great esteem throughout Irish history. They inherited he prestige of the bards from ancient times. Ancient Harpists in Ireland were typically aligned with certain ruling families and because of that, they commanded a great deal of respect other muscians, especially the poor fiddle playing types would not have been granted. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Brilliance Of Beethoven Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Brilliance Of Beethoven - Essay Example The jazz concert was held by Chicago old boys who performed the classical and also performed Christmas carols that they performed in an Acapella form they also performed the coward of a county and the gambler. There was a lady who also played the song coat of many colors by Dolly Parton who also DO you love me? This was a very beautiful season as this was the guest artist performing classical that have been great from the past. The Chicago boys lead conductor was Polycarp White, and he led different songs.The theme of the event was reviving the past and accepting oneself. The issue was more of trying to fight racism and declaring that we are one.The principal performers were the lady who was singing Taylor Swift song, and her name were Alison Peyton. She was performing using instruments, and also, she used Acapella form. There was the use of violin and also the flute and guitar. Not forgetting the Chicago boys band also used drumsets and piano.It was different when the guest artist joined the fray as they performed using the saxophone.Though the theme was about unity and together let's fight racism one could see other sponsors like the Walmart advising on contraceptives and responsible drinking. The pitched were many and different, and they varied depending on the performers. The string quartet was used by the lady Alison and her group as together they performed using the two violins.Oh, it was a beautiful piece.There were a vertical tone and a different pitch altogether.